MushYoon and MushJoon Dolls
$12.00 - $18.00
On sale

Namjoon and Yoongi dolls with overall outfits and of course adorable mushroom hats!
-Each Doll is 20cm tall with embroidered details (including leaf nips and rose on their bum)
-The doll set for Namjoon includes a green mushroom hat, brown overalls, and a puff sleeve white shirt.
-The doll set for Yoongi includes a red mushroom hat, grey puff overalls, and a white bowtie shirt.
-Both dolls will come with their own printed dustbag! Perfect for travel or storage.
-PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU ORDER!! There are three options for each doll, please try not to accidentally order just the clothes by themselves or just the doll without the clothes if this is not what you intended to purchase!!